Delving into the World of Chip Physics
This blog showcases the elegant concepts of Structured Energy Chip Physics along with occasional other Physics and Mathematical concepts. Structured Energy Chip Physics is a new foundational approach to physics that unifies Newtonian Physics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics through the a single universal force acting on a singular type of primitive energy.

Dive into insightful articles, thought-provoking ideas, and in-depth resources designed to ignite your curiosity about Chip Physics and other topics within Math and Physics.
A Curious Counting System: Base i√2
A Curious Counting System: Base i√2 When we hear √2, most of…
A Mechanistic Explanation of Bell Violations in Structured Energy Chip Physics
Abstract We present a deterministic yet nonlocal model—Structured Energy Chip Physics (SECP)—that…
Consolidated Overview of Structured Energy Chip Physics (SECP)
Overview Structured Energy Chip Physics (SECP) draws on three core documents—Structured Energy…
What is
Structured Energy Chip Physics?
Structured Energy Chip Physics unifies Newtonian Physics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics through the a single universal force, outlined in the graphic to the right, acting on a singular type of primitive. The singular primitive in energy chip physics is an almost infinitesimal bit of matter moving at c. We call this primitive and energy chip or more simply a chip.

Exploring Energy with Structured Precision
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Exploring the Cutting Edge of Physics and Math
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Structured Energy
Learn how energy is organized into quarks, electrons, and eventually atoms.
Tired Light vs. Universal Expansion
Explore how photonic complexity reinvigorates the historical arguments for tired light

Peer-Reviewed Insights
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Visual Presentations
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Exploring the Frontiers of Physics and Mathematics
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