What Is Structured Energy Chip Physics?
- Structured Energy Chip Physics starts with a single foundational primitive “particle”, and a single fundamental force, and from them it can build characteristics found in Quantum Mechanics, Electromagnetism, General Relativity, and Newtonian Mechanics.
- Structured Energy Chip Physics provides an explanation for the following questions and more:
- What particles are made of?
- What is mass?
- How does time work?
- How does Relativistic Gravity function?
- How can many particles appear to be both waves and individual particles?

What are the primary concepts found in Structured Energy Chip Physics?
- Everything is made of energy, more specifically everything is comprised of infinitesimal bits of energy which are referred to as energy chips, or simply chips, which:
- Interact “gravitationally” under an inverse square law
- Have a constant velocity of c
- These chips find dynamic stability in certain structures: namely photons, electrons, and quarks, the fundamental building blocks of everything in the universe.
- The arrangements of these structures can influence the pattern of motion of loose chips and photons thereby generating fields.
- There are two different but equally accurate measures of time:
- Universal time – the segment of time it takes a chip to travel a distance
- Relativistic time – the segment of time it takes for chips to complete a cycle of motion within a structure

How can I learn more about Structured Energy Chip Physics?
If you would like a presentation style introduction to Structured Energy Chip Physics, we would suggest downloading and working your way through the presentation linked below:
If you would like to explore the deeper Math & Physics underlying Structured Energy Chip Physics, we would recommend reading the peer reviewed paper published in Physics Essays:

If you would like to see more videos of energy chip structures, photons, atoms and more, you can visit our Youtube Channel:
If you would like to take a look at our ongoing work, you can read the current draft of the paper in progress which addresses how the implications of Structured Energy Chip Physics undermines the arguments behind the Universal Expansion explanation of redshift in favor of the classic Tired Light explanation.

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