
Papers and Presentations on Structured Energy Chip Physics

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Full PowerPoint Presentation of Structured Energy Chip Physics

This paper is geared more towards a general audience or for conference style presentations. It covers most topics at the level of an advanced Layman, but should be accessible to anyone with a general math/sciences background. It is almost 1 GB so is a large presentation.

Current Paper in Progress

This paper covers how Structured Energy Chip Physics resolves the issues surrounding Tired Light, leaving it a better theory for explaining Redshift than Galactic Expansion.

Implications of Structured Energy Chip Physics and complex photonic structure on Universal Expansion vs. Tired Light

Authors:   Whaley, Jr., Charles (Chip) B.

Source:     Not yet published


Initial Peer Reviewed Paper

This paper conveys the mathematical concepts underlying Structured Energy Chip Physics. It derives The Minkowsky Spacetime Principle from first principles of Structured Energy Chip Physics. It also documents and explains how Photonic structures result naturally from the first principles of SECP.

Title:        At the speed of light: Toward a quantum-deterministic description?
Authors:   Silverberg, Larry M.; Eischen, Jeffrey W.; Whaley, Jr., Charles (Chip) B.

Source:     Physics Essays, Volume 33, Number 4, December 2020,
pp. 489-512(24)


Graphic from Peer Reviewd Paper

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Detailed explanations of mathematical models in chip physics.

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